The Welfare Committee shall morefully be
described as the Public Welfare, Recreation, Education and
Cultural Affairs. It controls and manages all Municipal Kindergartens,
children playground, football grounds and multipurpose complexes/social
halls falling under the jurisdiction of the Council.
It also organises educational, recreational,
social and cultural activities in the town.
1. |
His worship the Mayor (Ex-Officio) |
2. |
The Deputy Mayor |
3. |
Councillor R.Ramsoondur (Chairperson) |
4. |
Councillor D.Ramchurn (Vice-Chairperson) |
5. |
Councillor M.R.G.Y Beeharry |
6. |
Councillor M. E. Diloo |
7. |
Councillor F. Dowlut |
8. |
Councillor R.P Kanaksabee |
9. |
Councillor V. Moocheet |
10. |
Councillor A.Nunkoo |
11. |
Councillor M. Rajaratnam |
12. |
Councillor M. Unjone Nattoo |