
The Municipal Council caters for children of the township aged 3-5 years at its under listed kindergartens, free of charge.

1. Camp Fouquereaux
2. La Caverne 
3. Grannum 
4. Henrietta 
5. Highlands 
6. Paillotte 
7. Palmerston 
8. Glen Park
9. Reunion 
10. Solferino 
11. Petit Camp

Every year in the month of September and October the Council affixes notices and press communique to recruit infant for the coming year.
The Eligibility criteria are as follows:

Age: child should be at least 3 years old
Address: resident of Vacoas-Phoenix

Admission of children is being carried out throughout the year.

Municipal kindergartens are free of charge.

*       Activities for pupils of Municipal Kindergartens
    The National Day
    Mother’s Day Celebration
    Annual Outing
    Fun day at respective Municipal Kindergartens
    Music day
    Workshop on sixteen days sixteen rights for children with parents
    School End of Year




© Municipal Council of Vacoas Phoenix
Designed and Maintained by AFM Communications