1.Team of St Helena College

2.Team of Adventist College

3.Team of N.K.Saddul College

4. Team of LyceeMauricien College

5. Team of VTI

6. Group photo of all the participants

7.Volleyball Tournament

8.Volleyball Tournament

9.Welcome speech by His Worship, the mayor, MrRenganadenYetty

10.Prize Giving by Municipal Councillor MrsBuldawo to the winner of Basketball Festival Adventist College

11.Prize giving by the President of Mauritius Volleyball association, MrTeeroovengadum, to the winner of Volleyball festival, N.K.Saddul College

12.Prize Giving byHis Worship, the mayor, MrRenganadenYetty, to the Winner of Futsal festival, LyceeMauricien College

13.Winner of Volleyball Festival.