
No. 1 Inauguration at Highlands by His Worship, the mayor, Mr Renganaden Yetty, accompanied by Honourable Rihun Raj Hawoldar, Chief Whip, Honourable Patrick Assirvaden, PPS, Municipal Councillors Mr Sunil Duth Parbutteea, Chandanee Busgeeth, Mr Naroo and Mrs Buldawo.

2.Scouts Football Club

3. Cadet Football Club

4. Scouts Football Club, Cadet Football Club and the Honourable Patrick Assirvaden

5. Inauguration at Highlands by His Worship, the mayor, Mr Renganaden Yetty, accompanied by Honourable Rihun Raj Hawoldar, Chief Whip, Honourable Patrick Assirvaden, PPS, Municipal Councillors Mr Sunil Duth Parbutteea and Chandanee Busgeeth.

6. Football Tournament 8-a-side