For Library subscribers and library users
Welcome to your Municipal Public Library! Let’s work together to create a safe, welcoming, and comfortable space for everyone.
During your time in the library, please:
1. Respect and be considerate of others
Creating unnecessary noise, including the use of cell phones,
headphones and other communication, audio and electronic devices which
disturbs others is prohibited.
2. Accompany and take responsibility for those in your care
Leaving children under the age of eleven (11) years old or adults
requiring supervision alone and unattended in the library is
prohibited. The library is not responsible for children who are left
unattended in the library
3. Use furniture, equipment and spaces for their intended purposes
Eating, drinking, or displaying open food or liquid containers are not allowed.
4. Dress appropriately for a public space
5. Leave library property promptly when asked
Refusing to leave library premises at closing time and entering non-public areas without authorization is forbidden.
6. To keep everyone safe, some behaviors are not allowed, including:
Using loud, abusive, threatening or profane language towards library employees is prohibited.
7. Damaging or stealing library property
Do respect the library materials. This includes avoiding highlighting
and note-taking in library materials. Be considerate of other potential
readers and return the material in the state as you picked up. Damaging
library property or making any attempts to damage computer equipment or
alter software configurations will not be allowed.
8. Illegal activity
Engaging in sexual misconduct such as indecent exposure or touching,
annoying, harassing, viewing or printing illegal materials such as
pornography as well as recording, photographing or filming persons in
the library or on library property is prohibited.
9. Smoking, intoxication, or using intoxicating substances
Smoking of any type or using tobacco products, vapor or e-cigarette
products in the library or on library property is prohibited.
10. Sleeping
Sleeping in the library is forbidden.
11. Hygiene
Do wash and sanitize hands during your visit. Hand sanitizers are available in the Library.
Don’t visit the Library if you are feeling unwell or has a fever