Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Notice for Tradesman Assistant Painter. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view NOTICE CLOSURE LIBRARY. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Vacancy for Tradesman Assistant Mason. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Vacancy for Committee Clerk. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Vacancy for Assistant IT Officer. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view PAYMENT OF MUNICIPAL TAX AND TRADE FEES 2024-2025. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY Supervisor Refuse Collection (Roster) . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY Gym Instructor (Part Time) . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY Welder -LGSC . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY Pre-Primary School Teacher . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view PRESS COMMUNIQUE SERVICE PROVIDERS ARTISAN . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view REGISTRATION FORM SERVICE PROVIDERS ARTISAN . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 FS JUNE 2023 . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY FOR THE POST OF Mechanic . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY FOR THE POST OF Land Surveyor . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY FOR THE POST OF Local Disaster Management Coordinator. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY FOR THE POST OF Assistant Chief Executive . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCY FOR THE POST OF Assistant Chief Executive public. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Supervisor Lighting Section. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Planning and Development Assistant. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Health Inspector. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Cadastral Assistant. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Superintendent of Parks and Garden. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Committee Clerk. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES FOR Painter -LGSC. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view VACANCIES Mechanics - LGSC. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Application for Post of Overseer. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view MCVP Notice - Rental Of Commercial Space. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view NOTICE Registration Supplies Click to view FORM for registration of suppliers. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN 2022-2023. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view FINANCIAL STATEMENT YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE 2022. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Annual Report 2019-2020. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view NOTICE Online Payment. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Annual Report 2018-2019. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Application form Vacoas Fair. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view CBRD - Paiement des Trade Fees. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Online application for Building and Land Use Permit and Occupation Certificate Communique Le Conseil Municipal de Vacoas / Phoenix organise une campagne de collecte de vieux appareils électroniques inutilisés communément appelé ‘E-Waste’ tels que radio/télévision, machine à laver, réfrigérateur, ordinateur, micro-onde etc.,du dimanche 19 mai 2019 au dimanche 16 juin 2019. Veuillez noter que la collecte se fera uniquement le dimanche.
Les citadins concernés sont priés de remplir un formulaire qui sera distribué par les préposés du service de la voirie et celui-ci devra être retourné au département de la Sante Publique de la Mairie soit en personne ou par voie postale au plus tard le jeudi16 mai 2019. Le formulaire peut aussi être téléchargé sur le site web de la Mairie (
Pour toute autre information ou éclaircissement veuillez contacter le responsable du service de la voirie à la Municipalité sur lenuméro de téléphone696 2975 / 76 /77.
Le Conseil tient à rappeler au public que durant cette campagne seulement les déchets électroniques seront collectés.
Par ailleurs le Conseil informe le public qu’il est strictement interdit de jeter des détritus et autres déchets dans les canaux, drains, rivières, terrains vagues et places publiques.
Le conseil compte sur votre collaboration pour le bon déroulement de cette campagne. Chief Executive
Town Hall
Le Conseil Municipal de Vacoas/Phoenix.
10 mai 2019 .
Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Online application for Building and Land Use Permit and Occupation Certificate IMPORTANT NOTICE The Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix informs the public in general that with effect from Tuesday 30 April 2019 application for all types of Building and Land Use Permits (Residen-tial, Commercial, Excision, etc) shall
be submitted online on the Government of Mauritius Business Licensing Platform Service providers including architects, engineers, land surveyors and draughtsmen shall assist their clients in submitting those applications on-line. Holders of Building and Land Use Permits are hereby informed that in accordance with Section 120 C of the Local Government Act 2011 as amended, where a building or part of a building has been erected pursuant to a Building and Land Use Permit, that building or part of that building shall not be inhabited, used or occupied unless an Occupation Certificate
has been issued by the Council. Application for Occupation Certificate shall also be made on the same platform. Chief Executive
Town Hall
Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix
Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Annual Report 2017-2018 . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Audit Report 2016-2017 . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Below Excluded Companies from any forthcoming procurement. Click to view Alpha Contracting . Click to view Keep Pace Security Guard Ltd . Click to view Nada Construction . Click to view Super Builders Co. Ltd . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view TAXE IMMOBILIERE - TRADE FEES 2018-2019 FINAL . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Annual Report 2016-2017 . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix The public is hereby informed that applications for Building and Land Use Permit for building having a floor area of more than 150 m2 shall be drawn and signed by an Architect as well as submitted
Online through the portal of Local Authorities
Or in soft copies of all documents
Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Award of Procurement Contract . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Annual Report 2015 . Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Environment Protection (Banning of Plastic Bags) Regulations 2015. Click to view Environment Protection (Banning of Plastic Bags) Regulations 2015. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Expression of Interest for the services of Attorney-at-law and Barrister-at-law
. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view RECYCLING OF USED MOBILE PHONES AND BATTERIES Click International Anti-Corruption Day 2013 Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix TAXE IMMOBILIERE « SELF ASSESSMENT » Les citadins sont avisés que conformément aux dispositions de la ‘Local GovernmentAct 2011’ comme subséquemment amendée sous le ‘Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012’, tout propriétaire de bâtiment résidentiel, commercial, industriel ou de terrain vague n’ayant pas reçu de réclamation pour la taxe immobilière pour l’année financière 2013 devrait faire une déclaration écrite au plus tard le 31 mars 2013 sur le formulaire disponible à la section cadastre de la Mairie et de s’acquitter de la taxe immobilière calculée selon la formule énoncée.
Les renseignements suivants doivent être mentionnés sur le formulaire :
I. Pour un terrain vague • La superficie du terrain en mètres carrés (m2) et une copie du titre de propriété. II. Pour un bâtiment • La superficie du bâtiment en mètres carrés (m2) • Type de bâtiment : commercial, résidentiel, ou industriel • Le nombre d’aires de stationnement pour les bâtiments commerciaux La taxe est payable comme suit :-
(i). La première tranche au plus tard le 31 mars 2013 ou (ii). En deux tranches la première au plus tard le 31 mars 2013 et la deuxième au plus tard le 30 septembre 2013, ou (iii). Par virement bancaire, en tranches mensuelles terminant le 31 décembre 2013 Passé ces délais, une surcharge de 10% et intérêt au taux de 15% seront imposés sur la balance de la taxe due au 31 décembre 2013 selon les dispositions de la ‘Local GovernmentAct 2011’.
14 février 2013 Secrétaire de la Ville
Click to view the Declaration Form Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix In view of the annual tender exercise the Municipal Council is inviting Suppliers who wish to be registered as potential suppliers for goods, services and works to submit the attached Supplier Registration Form after having duly filled in same. 1. Interested parties/ prospective suppliers may collect the Supplier Registration Form at the Registry of the Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix or download the said form from the Municipal website ( giving details of the goods, works and services they are willing to supply in case same is needed. 2. The duly filled in Supplier Registration Form should be deposited at the Registry of the Municipal Council of Vacoas - Phoenix. 3. Please note that the prices of the goods, works and services should not be submitted at this stage. 4. The attention of the applicants is hereby drawn to the fact that registration does not mean that the Council has any obligation towards them and does not entitle them to become exclusive suppliers / providers of goods, services or works. The Council reserves the right to look for alternative suppliers, should it be deemed necessary. 5. Suppliers who have already forwarded their duly filled in Registration Form previously need not submit again. Click to view the goods, services and works Click to download the Registration Form The attention of the public is drawn to section 98(3) of the Local Government Act 2011 which requires the owner of any property to give to the Municipal Council notice of any change-
(a) In ownership of the property ; or As per Section 98(4) of the Local Government Act 2011 any person who fails to notify the Council of a change as specified above within one month of the date on which such change is effected, shall commit an offence. On conviction the person is liable to a fine not exceeding Rs 25,000.
Chief Executive APPLICATION FOR BUILDING & LAND USE PERMITS Please note that under the Local Government Act 2011, an effective date will be given to your application, when all information, particulars & documents specified in the application form have been submitted.
IT IS THEREFORE IMPORTANT THAT THE CHECKLIST/GUIDELINES SPELT OUT IN THE APPLICATION FORM BE SCRUPULOUSLY OBSERVED SO AS TO AVOID UNDUE DELAY IN THE PROCESSING & DETERMINATION OF YOUR APPLICATION.. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view the Anti-Corruption Policy Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix 1. Local Rate 3. Fair Sites for affixing of posters Note: You need Acrobat Reader
to view the list Communiqué AVIS AUX PROPRIETAIRES DE TERRAINS VAGUES Afin d’améliorer la propreté de la ville de Vacoas-Phoenix les propriétaires, occupants ou autres personnes ayant droit sur les terrains vagues ou bâtiments délabrés se trouvant dans les limites de la ville sont avisés qu’ils doivent impérativement nettoyer leur/s terrain/s ou démolir leurs bâtiment délabrés dans un délai de quinze jours (15) à partir de la date de ce communiqué A défaut, les contrevenants vont être sanctionner. Le conseil se réserve aussi le droit de nettoyer les terrains vagues dans un état d’abandon et qui sont souvent convertis en dépotoirs où sont entassés détritus, carcasses de véhicules etc. et les frais encourus seront réclamés aux propriétaires/occupants ou autres ayants droit. Le public est informé qu’un service de voirie spécial sera mis à leur disposition contre paiement de trois cent roupies afin d’enlever toute ordure encombrante de leurs propriétés. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le département de la santé de la mairie ou consulter le site web.
Your attention is drawn to the fact that your trade premises will be inspected now and then by the Municipal Inspectorate regarding compliance with conditions laid down in Building and Land Use Permit as well as other sanitary norms pertaining to the activity being carried out by you.
Click here for more Information regarding the Act.
The inhabitants residing within the jurisdiction of the Municipal Council of Vacoas/Phoenix are hereby informed that special services are provided for the collection of green wastes of an approximate volume of above half a lorry load. For this purpose trailers/lorries are provided upon payment of a sum of Rs 600.00 per lorry trip.
The inhabitants residing within the jurisdiction of the Municipal Council of Vacoas/Phoenix are hereby informed that a special service is provided for the collection of dead animal carcass (e.g dead dog). Online Services: Click HERE to have access to online services such as Complaints, Trade Fee, Market and Rates through the Local Authorities' Portal. Please note that user registration is required in order to make use of the online services.
Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Hollyrood Mini Soccer Pitch. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Promenande Pere Laval Mini Soccer Pitch. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Mega Zumba Bollywood Fusion. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Ongoing and Forthcoming projects 2020. Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Municipal Council of Vacoas-Phoenix Click to view Ongoing and Forthcoming projects 2020.
Environment Protection Act The Local Government Act 2011 Extract_of_Finance_(Misc_Prov)_Act_2016 “OU JETTER OU TASSER” Collection of green wastes Collection of dead animal carcass Main Library & the Cyber Café Main Library & Cyber Café Weekdays - 9:00 hrs to 17:00hrs . Saturdays - 9:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs NEWSLETTER
Inter-town Road Relay 2015. Civic Week - National Futsal Tournament 2015. Art Fair 2015. Christmas Carol at L'Eglise de La Visitation. End of Year Get Together (2015) for Municipal Employees. Civic Week - Family Fun Day. Civic Week - International Day for Non-Violence. Civic Week - Lunch for Senoir Citizens of the Town. Civic Week - Sports Award Nite. Civic Week - Valer Nu Lavi. Divali Night 2015. Celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Malcolm de Chazal - 2015. Karate Competition. Trophee International. Delegation form St Suzanne. Wrestling Competition. Mayor's Election 2015. Music Day 2015. Slam 2015. Inter- Primary Schools Quiz Competition 2015.
Registration of Potential Suppliers
(b) In his residential or business address
18 June 2012
Where an effective date has been given and during the course of assessment it is found that erroneous information, particulars & documents have been submitted, you will be informed within 8 working days, that the effective date given will no longer apply and a new effective date will be given once the inaccuracies have been cleared.
Anti-Corruption Policy
New Regulations -
It is in your interest that you comply with all relevant conditions failing which appropriate action will be initiated against you.
Environment Protection (Amendment) Act 2008 on Cleanliness and Eyesore “OU JETTER OU TASSER”
A request should be made to the Health and Environment Department for such collection. After a date and time for collection is agreed upon, such request will be confirmed after the abovementioned payment is made.
Please kindly be informed that the above collection service refers to only green wastes and does not include rocks, soil, construction wastes and any other inorganic wastes such as metallic wastes.
Forany further information please phone on the following number during office hours: 696-2975.COLLECTION OF DEAD ANIMAL
Request for such collection can be made by telephone on the following numbers:
Tel. No.: 696-2975 from 08h45 to 16hrs00 during weekdays
686-4306 from 06hrs00 to 18hrs00 on Saturdays.
686-4306 from 06hrs00 to noon on Sundays.
Ongoing Projects
Green initiatives
Opening Hours