There are also other non standing committees such as:-

Sports Committee
Chairman Mr. R. Yetty
Vice Chairman Mr. N. Beekawoo
Human Resources Committee
Chairman Mr. N. Beekawoo
Vice Chairman Mrs. K. Dabydoyal
Environment and Quality of Life Committee
Chairperson Mr. A. Hosany
Vice Chairperson Mr. V. Comarin
Library, Education and IT Services Committee
Chairman Mrs. M. Etwaroo
Vice Chairman Mr. R. Rajagopal
Bills Sub-Committee
Chairman Mr. S. Parbutteea
Vice Chairman Mr Y. Yetty
Ethics Committee
Chairman H.W. The Mayor
Vice Chairman Mrs M. Etwaroo
Health & Safety Committee
Chairman Mr F. Acharauz (from employers side)
Vice Chairman Mr Boodhun (from employees side)



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