Q |
I want to build a house/ make an extension to my house/add another floor to my house. What are the procedures to be followed? |
A |
If you are constructing a new house check with the Planning Department whether a permit for a house would be approved on your lot if your lot is located away from residential buildings.
Consult the Building and Land Use Permit Guide (either on our website or at the Planning Department) where a step by step guide is available.
Either collect or download Application Form No. BLP 1.
For any clarifications or further information the staff of the Planning Department is available during office hours to help you. Submit your form together with the plans and documents specified therein to the Planning Department. If all the required information is submitted your application will be accepted. You will have to pay a processing fee amounting as at date to Rs.600 .An acknowledgement receipt will be issued. On this receipt you will find the date on which you the committee’s decision will be communicated to you.
The committee will have taken one of the following decisions:
- Your application has been approved and the permit is issued on payment of relevant fees
- Your application has been approved but the permit will be issued only certain modifications have been carried out to your application
- Your application has been turned down and you will be issued with a refusal letter.
Q |
I want to build a commercial/industrial building for the purpose of carrying an economic activity or convert an existing building or part of an existing building for the carrying out of an economic activity. What are the procedures to be followed? |
A |
For a major application it is advisable to have a meeting with the Head of the Planning Department on prior appointment.
Before starting any procedures it is desirable that you check with the Planning Department whether the economic activity will be acceptable to the Council in the manner you are proposing it.
Once you are clear that your activity may be accepted register your economic activity with the Registrar of Businesses where you will be issued with a Business Registration Card.
Consult the Building and Land Use Permit Guide (either on our website or at the Planning Department) where a step by step guide is available.
Either collect or download Application Form No. BLP 3.
Please note the same activity which figures on your Business Registration Card should figure in your application Form.
For any clarifications or further information the staff of the Planning Department is available during office hours to help you.
Submit your form together with the plans and documents specified therein to the Planning Department. If all the required information is submitted your application will be accepted. You will have to pay a processing fee amounting as at date to Rs.600 .An acknowledgement receipt will be issued. On this receipt you will find the date on which you the committee’s decision will be communicated to you.
The committee will have taken one of the following decisions:
- Your application has been approved and the permit is issued on payment of relevant fees
- Your application has been approved but the permit will be issued only certain modifications have been carried out to your application
- Your application has been turned down and you will be issued with a refusal letter.
Q |
I want to divide my property.What should I do? |
A |
Consult the Building and Land Use Permit Guide (either on our website or at the Planning Department) where a step by step guide is available.
In case you are the owner or where the owner is still alive application should be made to the Morcellement Board. For excision of more than 1 lot as well application should be submitted to the Morcellement Board.
Only the following types of applications will be considered at the local authority level:
- A subdivision among heirs and where the owner has passed away
- An excision of not more than one lot on condition that the previous excision from the same lot was effected not less than a year ago and not more than 3 excisions are made out of the original lot.
In order to submit an application to the local authority either collect or download Application Form No.BLP 2
For any clarifications or further information the staff of the Planning Department is available during office hours to help you.
Submit your form together with the plans and documents specified therein to the Planning Department. If all the required information is submitted your application will be accepted. You will have to pay a processing fee amounting as at date to Rs.600 .An acknowledgement receipt will be issued. On this receipt you will find the date on which you the committee’s decision will be communicated to you.
The committee will have taken one of the following decisions:
- Your application has been approved and the permit is issued on payment of relevant fees
- Your application has been approved but the permit will be issued only certain modifications have been carried out to your application
- Your application has been turned down and you will be issued with a refusal letter.
Q |
Who should draw up my plans? |
A |
For a building not exceeding 150m2 a qualified draughtsman may draw up your plans. However, if your building exceeds 150m2 then the law provides that same should be designed by a Registered Professional Architect. Furthermore, where the building to be constructed exceeds 2 levels or where there is a basement proposed or in case of complex structures your structural drawings will have to be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer.
As regard survey plans to be submitted in relation to a parceling of properties these should be prepared by a Sworn Land Surveyor.
Please note that municipal employees are not allowed to draw up plans and you are at liberty to choose your draughtsman, architect, engineer or sworn land surveyor.
Q |
Am I allowed to build on an agricultultal land? |
A |
Under the Sugar Industry Efficiency Act, definition of agricultural land
(i) Land which is under cultivation of sugar cane, tea and tobacco
(ii) Land which is declared as an irrigation area as per the Irrigation Authority Act
(iii) Land which has been subdivided for agricultural purposes If your land fall within this category first check with the local authority whether your site falls within an area where development that you are intending may be allowed.
In the affirmative you should submit an application to the Ministry of Agro-Industries for a Land Conversion Permit.
Please note that that where a Land Conversion Permit is required no application for a Building and Land Use Permit will be accepted until a Land Conversion Permit is submitted.
Q |
When can I expect to receive a reply to my application? |
A |
Under the Local Government Act 2011 your application should be determined within 14 days as from its receipt and you should receive a reply on the date indicated on the acknowledgement receipt issued to you when you submitted your application.
Q |
I still have not understood the procedures as they appear to be complicated. How do I proceed? |
A |
Please call at the Planning Department where the staff will be pleased to guide you through your application.