Q |
What rate (%) am I paying? |
A |
Refer to Table General Rates (Reg). |
Q |
How is General Rate payable? |
A |
In 2 instalments on or before 31st July and on or before 31st January. |
Q |
Any surcharge applicable? |
A |
10% on the amount of rate due and payable?
Q |
Any interest applicable? |
A |
15% per annum on any sum due for local rate not paid in in the financial year in which it becomes due and payable until such time as it is paid.
Q |
Any facility for payment? |
A |
Arrears should be paid in toto. Current rate attracts facility
in instalments not exceeding six months. |
Q |
How is General Rate levied ? |
A |
By the valuation office on the net Annual Value. |
Q |
By whom the percentage rate is fixed ? |
A |
By Council. |
Q |
Is General Rate payable without
a claim having been received by the Rate Payer? |
A |
Yes – Local Government Act. |
Q |
Can General Rate be paid in advance? |
A |
Yes. |