Green Spaces
The following green spaces amongst others are
regularly maintained by the Parks and Garden Section of the
Works Department and the works include mowing of grasses,
planting of flowers and regular irrigation of plants:
(a) Leisure Park at La Caverne
(b) Leisure Park at Cite Cinquante
(c) Leisure Park at Hermitage
(d) Children Playgrounds in Municipal premises
(e) Green spaces along Sivananda Avenue and Pere Laval
(f) Roundabouts at Jumbo, Pont Fer and Phoenix Breweries
(g) Green Space at Morc Peerun
(h) Green Space at Hermitage
(i) Green Space at La Vanille
(j) Green Space at Mare aux Vacoas
(k) River Reserves at Henrietta
(l) River Reserves at Bernica
(m) River Reserves at C. Fouquereaux
(n) River Reserves at Belle Terre
(o) River Reserves at La Marie
(p) River Reserves at opp. Temple C. Fouquereaux
(q)Round About S.I.T.
(r) Green Space S.I.T. Pinewood Garden